(photos by Antonelo Veneri)
Short termism
because of this sense that it is fate and not rigorous planning that brings
better days, Brazilians are not enthusiastic advocates of long term projects.
The short-termism mentality applies to business, political matters, collective
memory and personal life alike.
Living for
the moment
sometimes amazes foreigners how present time based Brazilians are. They might
organize a party for later the same day, or go out but decide where to go only
when they are already on the move. Forward planning does not apply to much of
social life, except on a few exception occasions.
An outsider
can be misled into thinking that living for the moment means that this is a
carefree society, which is not exactly true. Brazilians, even without a lot of
planning ahead, do worry about the future. It is just not so noticeable at
Focus on
This is a
relationship focused and not system oriented society. Together with the sense
of immediacy, this means that, in both personal and business life, contacts are
made face-to-face rather than through written communication. Phone calls are considerably
lengthy too. Time is spent on establishing and maintaining relationships. In
business good personal contacts are important because, given the choice, Brazilians
put people they know first and, if necessary, even bend the rules to
accommodate their needs.
The country
of tomorrow
are mainly optimistic, even though sometimes this can come to mean that they
have a passive attitude to life. Sayings such as “Everything works out in the
end” (Tudo dá certo no final) place
hopes for the future in the hands of fate rather than on individual actions.
There is a belief that the future will provide and “Things will get better tomorrow”
(Amanhã tudo se resolve).
political terms, this oddly passive optimism might have been reinforced by
government propaganda proclaiming that “Brazil is the country of tomorrow”.
This meant that given Brazil ’s
abundance of arable land and natural resources, it was just a matter of time
before it became a key economic power. Critics answer this by saying that “Tomorrow
is always tomorrow”.
O Jeitinho
O jeitinho is the Brazilian means of
dealing creatively with life’s everyday complications. Literally translated as
“a little way”, it can be taken to mean “there has to be another way”. In
practice, it means that regardless of the rules or systems in place, where
there is a will there has to be a way around them. If you take the country’s
maddening bureaucracy and add the Brazilian tendency to challenge authority,
you will understand how it comes to exist.
The jeitinho is so ingrained in daily life
that you can see examples everywhere: managing to get a seat when all the
places are booked up, traveling with more luggage than is allowed, or
successfully ordering something that is not on the restaurant menu. Even in
legal matters, if someone wants something that is not permitted, he or she will
try to figure out a loophole until they find an alternative way.
for themselves
The lack of
social welfare is partially the reason for the high level of individualism in
Brazilian society. Everyone has to fend for themselves and do the best they
can. If that means having to go over other people’s heads or take advantage of
certain situations, some will chose to do so. Therefore, doing things like
using a jeitinho to pay less tax (justified, perhaps, by saying that
politicians misuse taxpayer's money) becomes what many consider to be an acceptable
Better late
than never
find it hard to organize their own time and schedule their day around fixed
points. This could be due to an influence from the indigenous peoples, in whose
culture the notion of punctuality does not exist. Whatever the reason,
Brazilians struggle to be on time. Being late is part of their culture and
whoever deals with them should remember that. The degree of lateness may vary
according to the region, but it will always be a feature.
Pride and
For a
country that claims to have a “racial democracy”, the treatment of different
ethnic groups is not always very egalitarian. Brazilians with fair skin,
light-colored eyes and surnames that are difficult to pronounce are already
halfway there when fighting for a better job. Also, those who consider
themselves white will be offended if referred to as mixed-race, even if they
actually are.
As a
reaction to such “white pride”, members of Brazil ’s black movement have been
successful in promoting black music and culture. But most dark-skinned
Brazilians also come from the poorest sectors of society, so even if they could
escape from the (veiled) racial prejudice, they would still face economic
The feeling
of pride mixed with an inferiority complex seems to apply to the country as a
whole. Brazilians are proud of their nationality and their country’s size,
resources and beauty. However, they also feel disadvantaged when comparing
themselves with First World nations.
Happy to be
complaining about their country, government and weather (!) all ther time,
there are several songs about being Brazilian, and they are decidedly positive.
In spite of it all, Brazilians seem to enjoy the particularities of their
culture. They may grumble about everything and everybody, but in the end they
are simply happy to be Brazilians.
But beware:
while Brazilians can be highly critical of certain aspects of their country
(especially bureaucracy, the social system, and politics) even moderate
criticism is not so welcome when coming from outsiders.
with the opposite sex
Carnaval and beach images have associated Brazilian
women with tiny bikinis and sun-bronzed sensuality. But beach fashion only
applies when one is on the beach, and the same can be said about Carnaval. Although sensuality is part of
Brazilian culture, taking the stereotype as reality could not be a worse start.
Just like
everything else, the way the opposite sexes socialize varies in different parts
of the country. In the cities people of either sex go out together as regular
friends. Much further inland there are places where one should not address a
married or engaged woman in case a jealous partner takes it
personally and reacts violently.
make an effort to look good and, while they may expect and be pleased to be
complimented, such remarks stay at the level of appreciation only (and do not
tend to lead anywhere else).
As a
general observation, Brazilians are tactile. Men tap each other on the shoulder.
Women can touch each others knees when they are sitting, as way of emphasizing
a point in the conversation. They may hold arms or hands as a demonstration of
friendship. People from both sexes touch arms, shoulders, and hands as they are
talking to each other. Such physical contact is part of Brazilian body language
and should most definitely not be considered as anything other than that.
Reading it
like to be seen as a nice and friendly people – and they generally are. But
sometimes taking them literally may be the cause of a social gaffe. An
Englishman who had recently arrived in the country made his first contacts in Brazil and was
surprised to be received so openly. Eager to start a social life, he was happy
when an acquaintance said he should come to their place some time. Being English, he tried to arrange a day and time
for visiting, but was told only “Turn up
at anytime”. So he did. He could not hide his embarrassment when he realized
they did not really mean it and he had completely misread their intention,
which was similar to the American “Let’s do lunch” – a polite way of keeping
doors open to a possible relationship in the future. When people want to
arrange something, they will mention a date.
punctuality is not expected on such occasions: about fifteen minutes after the
time arranged would be just right. Dinner will probably not be served right
away. You should not offer to help with the cooking or, for that matter, help
yourself to anything in the kitchen, unless invited to do so. The same goes
for doing the dishes. Dinner is usually a relaxed affair and can end quite late.
For Brazilians eating is a social thing.
the Brazilian way
For people from
cultures where you are supposed to be alright on your own and where private
space is to be respected, the idea of Brazilian friendship may seem quite
invasive. For a start, there are no off-limit conversations. Moreover, people
express their emotions freely. This means they are not ashamed to admit they
are not doing OK by themselves. So do not use expressions implying embarrassed
sympathy and showing a respectful distance, like “You will be alright”, which
may sound as though you do not care or are wishing the situation away (rather
than showing that you have confidence in your friend’s ability to deal with
their problem). Real friends face everything together.
In Brazil , among
the middle classes and above, car is king. If you want to walk to places in
cities, you will be thought odd. Why walk when you can sit in air-conditioned
Driving is
often fast and it helps if you know the way, since not everywhere is clearly signposted.
Traffic is chaotic, little respect is paid to lanes, and drivers switch at will
and without warning. Apart from this being a good excuse (sometimes a real one)
for being late, it should also inspire you to be careful when crossing the
In major
cities, traffic jams are frequent and using the horn is a routine feature of
driving. It can take ages to cross town or to get to the beach.
Being alert
and blending in
On London ’s underground
train there is an announcement that says, “Please keep your belongings with you
at all times”. Nowhere is this more appropriate than in Brazil . People
often walk with a daypack in their front – it is harder to steal like that. In
a country with one of the most unequal distribution of wealth in the world, the
desperate resort to any means to make a living.
Most people
have stories of either themselves or of someone close to them being mugged or
sometimes worse. The media feeds this paranoia by presenting real crime stories
in lurid detail.
It is
important not to stand out too much as a foreigner. Banks, public
transportation, and even the street are places where you can be vulnerable.
Most women
would not walk in the street by themselves after dark as that could attract
attention. They notice who is around them at all times and move to avoid
problems if they can. This may sound
stressful, but as with anything it is a question of learning to adapt.
Perhaps it
is this pressure that causes Brazilians, who are highly materialistic and
consumerist, to have an ambivalent attitude to possessions. They almost expect
their belongings to disappear. There is also the contrast between people who
are on the one hand incredibly friendly, warm, and hospitable and on the other
totally mistrustful of strangers – especially other Brazilians.
In Brazil , people
speak Portuguese and not a lot else. In tourist offices and business you may
find some who speak a bit of English, but generally very few people do and
certainly not in restaurants, shops or other places where a visitor might
interact with the locals. Neither do Brazilians really speak Spanish, although
a number think they do. Learning to speak Portuguese is useful, both from a
communication and a security point of view. It is important, especially in
major cities, not to draw attention to yourself. Speaking English in a loud
voice will certainly not help.
have a relaxed body language. They are a tactile people, and putting a hand on
someone when talking to them is simply an indication of interest in the
conversation, nothing more. A handshake between men may well be accompanied by
the other hand being places on the shoulder.
In terms of
body distance, people can be in close proximity to each other and not feel that
their private space is being invaded. On the contrary, backing away can be
considered rude. Brazilians also maintain eye contact both when listening or
talking to someone. They accompany their conversation with a whole series of
gestures. Across cultures, the same gesture may have different meanings and the
one to avoid in Brazil
is the thumb to index finger ring sign that means “good” in Anglo-Saxon
societies. It has a rather rude meaning that can get you into trouble in Brazil . It is
also considered bad manners to yawn or stretch in public.
Hellos and
can be quite formal. Men will shake hands and women will kiss on the cheek
(twice if they are single, three times if they are married – but just once in
São Paulo), as will men to women. In groups, people will often introduce
themselves to each member in this way. The same ritual is repeated when leaving
and is accompanied by quite long statements about how much the meeting was
enjoyed, how it was good to see you, and how you should take care, as well as
passing on best wishes to family (or friends or partners) who were unable to be
there. In the middle of good-byes, someone can remember to say something and
restart a conversation. In this case, once the topic is finished, the farewell
proceedings will start again from the beginning. This good-bye ritual is often
maintained in phone conversations as well. Even among close friends, the host
tends to accompany the guest to the door. Announcing you are leaving and simply
walking to the door (without waiting for your host to accompany you) can be
considered rude.
especially in groups, is lively, dynamic, and often noisy. Normally everybody
seems to be talking at once. Interruption is frequent – often people do not get
to finish what they are saying before someone else jumps in. However, no one is
offended by this (and there are no ritualistic expressions, as found in
English, to ask permission to interject). Conversations may become wide-ranging
and stray across many different points before returning to the original one.
have a flirty way of talking, which generally applies to communication between
genders. They normally compliment each other about their looks, hairstyle, or
choice of clothes. Sometimes they even imply something more sexual, or suggest
going out together without really meaning it. Unfortunately, the only
difference between a real flirtatious conversation and a pretend one seems to
be in the latter’s slightly more jokey tone of voice.
have a vivid and often quite black sense of humor, which is not always politically
correct. They will make jokes about most things (including themselves) and
there is a thriving wave of satire aimed at whichever politician is in power.
Making fun of religion, though, is a delicate issue and should be avoided.
educated people can have a simpler sense of humor: the differences can be seen in TV comedies,
which can vary enormously from basic slapstick humor to more sophisticated
lampooning of political leaders and social institutions.
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